that promote your creative value...
| The Internet enables 8 billion monopolies.
- Naval
How to navigate, build, create and scale value... your value... in a rapidly changing environment on the web.
These workshops & classes will help you use the Internet of Value Exchange to run a brand, build a community, create a better relationship with your time, earn more revenue and design a more sustainable thriving life. 🙏🏼

Reverse Engineer Your Life
The fastest way to get what you want is through clarity.
Clarity brings direction.
Directions brings speed.
Clarity + direction build purpose & momentum.
And sometimes, the fastest way to get clarity is by reverse engineering starting with the end result in mind.
This FREE workshop helps you gain clarity on a vision, your time, your energy and your money using templates to establish a well-thought out direction, while reducing the overwhelm of what to do next... cause this will solve that too.

Write, Design, Build.
Choosing a niche can feel like life or death until you realize the niche is you.
You are the most powerful and creative operating system.
In the digital age...
consistency + clarity build your brand
publishing your thoughts & sharing your experience build your reach
growing a community drives your business & mission
productizing your knowledge & expertise grows your income, and
leveraging tools, systems & software create trackable & predictable outcomes
This workshop helps you refine your message, publish your content faster in less time and grow your audience/reach to drive impact and/or revenue growth.